It's All Good.
Busyness, bustling around and construction.
That doesn't exist here in hipster central. Unlike most other big cities no one seems to be in a hurry. Everyones life motto, "it's all good."
Downtown is anything but stress full in a ever growing population of 600,000+. The malls can be come busy but never over crowded and stuffed. The towns surrounding down town thrive on independent businesses and well taken care of green neighborhoods.
What attracts me about Portland is the coffee culture. Personally I've consumed enough coffee to fuel a small village so I generally know whats hot and whats so not. There seems to have been an standard set and no one falls below the line. Every cup is personal and embedded into the culture.
A coffee shop is so much more than getting your morning fix to fuel your day. Now days, cafes have become destinations. Going out of our way to know that you are getting the best product possible, especially true in Portland. Out here, the origin and story is everything. Outrageously good hand crafted coffee is just the condition to a even cooler environment. Not only does the environment reflect back on the product but is reflects on the city and the people in it. Different, Original, ambiguous.
To be honest, there is nothing amazing amazing about Portland. The mountains are beautiful and the sunset are on point but Portland is just another bustling American town. So, why is this town to well known and cared for? Diversity. The people in it are a bunch of misfits, so many out liars that the misfits have become the norm. With all this craze for exceptance and diversity, native Portlanders and Oregonians take so much pride in the fact that they were here first and before anyone else. Reading a article before I arrived read "Stop telling people about Portland!" A 72 year old women that was stuffing me with cookies and orange juice said to me "Back when Edward and I first bought our house, the street was only one lane. Can you even be leave that?" Taking about a local street that was now 6 lanes wide.
Taking pride in this city is a big thing, something we can all learn. I've traveled to a ton of places. Seen my fare share of cites and met my fair share of great people but do you know the constant? Conplaining about where they live. Admitting I grew up doing the same thing. Saying "only if we were at so and so." Let me tell you if you go to destination x they will say the same thing about there town. Visiting a friend in Milan, Italy a couple months ago I commented about the amazing articutechure and my friends response? "Eh."
Portland is Portland because its full of the future. Acceptance, love and a life motto of "It's all good."
Leave a comment telling me about your town, city or village and why it is the prime destination! Take pride in your surroundings!
Love always,
Bric Bain