Bric BainComment

What I do know.

Bric BainComment

What do you want to do for a living? Don't ask me this question because I won't tell you a straight answer. Mostly I'll talk about things I've been up to lately and plans for the next few months. What I do know for sure is that no one knows what they want to do. Your mom, my mom, that guy who's sitting left of you at the bus stop that smells like cheetos, all of them most likely don't know what they want to do in this life. Adventures, friends, family and other things that provide us with short term procrastination. Where is the sorting hat that tells us "here, this is your destiny."

Ellie standing at the top of the tallest building in London, The Shard.

Ellie standing at the top of the tallest building in London, The Shard.

Since graduation I have felt this feeling of being lost with out a direction. Learning one thing of my three years that I have been out of school, the journey is most important. I can not imagine what I would be currently doing if I was still in college. What I do know is that if I stayed in that dreary class room I would of never experienced traveling all over London, New York, Atlanta, Italy, Germany, Washington D.C., Colorado, Cincinnati, tons of other places and most recently moving to Portland. That has been my journey so far and what I know for sure is that I loved every second of my experiences around the world and back! 

Stagr (Josh Hall) DJing at The Mad Frog in Cincinnati.

Stagr (Josh Hall) DJing at The Mad Frog in Cincinnati.

23 days ago, as this is post dating, I felt un happy with my current situation. Nothing was troubling, my job was great and the people in my life were stellar but once again I felt a emptiness. Taking everything I wanted and packed my trunk to the brim. The rest, went to others or the curb. Jumped in my car and went West. The only thing that I truly know how to do, leave. To be honest my trip didn't really sink in until after I left my best friend Joe in Vail, Colorado where he was working for the long winter. The feeling of truly being with out him was unsettling even though I only get to see him every couple months because we travel so much. We even had a race to our destinations. Joe was headed back to the homeland of Dayton, Ohio and I to Portland. Only beating him by 30 minutes, even though he gave me a 24 hour start.

Electric Forest Music Festival 2014

Electric Forest Music Festival 2014

What I do know is that connections are for life. My newest goal is to connect with as many people around the world as I can, to have a connection greater than myself. What I do know is that I don't know whats next. Heck, tomorrow I could wake up and move to Mexico. The wild spirit is inside of me. All the older people that I meet and share my story with say "do it while your young." And I will because what I do know is that its the journey that matters, no matter what journey that is or where you end up.

Oprah out of all people inspired this post. Listened to her entire book "What I do know" on the drive on the long drive from Cincinnati to Portland and her wise words are now soaking in.

Enough about my life, tell me about what you know for sure. Where is life taking you. I want to know less about I and more about YOU.