Bric BainComment

Wenatchee National Forest

Bric BainComment

Yo, this weekend was mad. Its been a while since I've disconnected from the world of the technology and the internet. I'm a bit addicted to my phone I have to admit. Always checking it the minute I wake up and before I go to bed and a million times in-between.

Started the journey by meeting up with some long time friends of mine up in Washington and we rented a cabin in the middle of Wenatchee National Forest. We stayed on Fish Lake which is a smaller version of Wenatchee Lake. When first getting there Ade and I wanted to check out this beach we heard so much about. After a ridiculous amount of attempts we couldn't find this guy. Followed and re-followed the directions that were given to us. As I always say though its the journey that matters most and this explains my point exactly. Like I said we couldn't find the beach but we explored Fish Lake like no other. First we found a abandoned airport. This massive long and narrow field was the only place I didn't see 125ft trees. After finding the airport I decided to follow a road on Google Maps that looked like it led to something interesting. This road was made of the finest dirt I had ever felt. Turning my silver car into a light brown color, leaving a solid quarter inch of dust on it. Eventually this long road like path led to a locked gate and we started on foot. For some reason I decided to go barefoot for this one. I didn't encounter the normal problems you would associate with walking barefoot. There were rocks and weeds but my biggest problem was trying not to step on dead fish. Let me say that again, dead fish. Not one or two but everywhere which led us to the assumption that there was a bear near. 

After walking down this long untaken care of road we arrived at a town, a abandoned town. As if everyone was having a good time on the lake and randomly picked up in left. I walked into a couple houses and they hadn't been touched. Newpapers, VHS tapes and the over all atmosphere made me think that no one had been here since the 70's. The docks on the water had been over taken by bright green moss. Boats lined up next to the water as if they were about to go in for a summer dip. The feeling of no one around for miles and no one had been in this town in decades was such a crazy feeling. Walking into the history of this old lake side town was astonishing. 

After exploring this time piece we headed back in fear that a bear might come back any minute. Another friend arrived back at the cabin minutes after we got back from a day of exploring. I cooked some burgers and grilled veg for a feast! Dans 21 birthday was celebrated and left us repenting the next morning. This led us to spend the next morning going to Wenatchee lake. We explored the mouth of the lake then hiked further down to Emerald Island. 

Usually I post photos with these blogs but I'm not going to this time. I took a real disconnect this weekend, living minimal. I want you to experience the same because no photograph can capture the feeling of peacefulness. No words can describe the look of the stars late at night. For now you'll have to use these words for form a imagination. 

In these times its hard not to be addicted to the technology that we now take for granted. There is no going back to a time of silence. Yet, there are still corners of the world that force us to disconnect. When it happens to you next, don't be frustrated that your text won't send and you have no bars. Imbrase a time of quiet because soon even the corners of disconnect will connect. 

Also, in a sad failure, we managed to find the beach we had been looking for the entire time at the very last moment as we were leaving. Ironic much. 

Journey > Destination


Bric Bain