Bric BainComment

Epic Cross Country Road Trip - United States

Bric BainComment
Epic Cross Country Road Trip - United States

For the last 7 months I've been living in Portland, Oregon exploring the Pacific Northwest and everything it has to offer. From the great mountains to the coast to local coffee shops on every corner of Portland's high culture small community street corners. Oregon has been one of the best places I've ever lived with a massive back yard of never ending hiking trails, waterfalls and niche stores. After months of exploration I needed to get back on the road. Planning for a epic road trip across the United States began. 

Photo by Sophie Dannin

Photo by Sophie Dannin

Launching off from Portland, Oregon I had to get one last coffee from Case Study, one of the best shops around. Then headed south along the legendary Highway 101. If you haven't taken this route on a road trip I highly recommend it. It goes from Washington all the way south to California. The best part is, its back is up against the ocean most of the time if not driving through the red wood forest. It is a struggle not to stop every mile to take photographs of the epic ocean and rock formations the entire time. 

Stopping off in San Fransico was a great idea. Spent the morning running on a beach next to the famous Golden Gate bridge! The ocean was ice cold but even that didn't keep the surfers away! Then I headed down to San Luis Obispo to meet up with some old friends. Had such a good time with Kathy, Jacob and all there friends! That night we went to a beach and climbed a epic hill leading to a tunnel that ended at a cliff with a dramatic drop off to the crashing waves of the ocean. The next morning Jacob and I went for a sunrise hike up Bishops Peak. It was cold and windy but worth every single step to see the sunrise with on of my favorite people.

Next stop, Zion National Park! After sleeping in Zion, I hiked Angels Landing for another beyond epic sunrise. This climb was steep with 1,000 foot drop offs on both sides as you are using chains to pull your self up. If you do this hike I definitely recommend starting in the dark. Other wise you will be surrounded by tons of hikers that had the same idea! 

I had to stop in Vail, Colorado next. Tons of my friends work up there in the mountains during the winter season so pre season was the best time to explore with out the massive crowd that the winter brings. My friend Bozzo and I hiked Vail mountain with some beautiful sights of snow covered mountain peaks!

A week in and having some much fun! So good to see friends from all over the country in there natural habitat. Driving thousands of miles started to take a tool on me so I stopped off in Denver to see my favorite adventure store, Topo Designs. Picked up even more great products by them then head off to Kansas City for the home stretch. 

Finally back in Ohio. I haven't been here in months and haven't lived here in years. So nice to surrounded by friends and family that I haven't seen in ages. One of the perks of traveling all the time, when you come home you are over whelmed with love and hugs. For now I'm spending the winter in Ohio exploring all there is to see and I want to take you with me! 

Plans are already in the mix of some cool places to explore but if you have any suggestions be sure to leave them in the comments. I love a good hidden gem. Until next time.

Bric Bain